Step into a world of super-powered intrigue with "Legion of Super-Heroes," issue #46, published by DC Comics in May 1988. This thrilling installment, titled "Conspiracy!", written by Paul Levitz with art by Greg LaRocque and Mike DeCarlo, follows the beloved characters of the Legion as they unravel a deep and dangerous plot. A must-have for any comic book collector, this comic is a prime example of late 80s superhero storytelling, showcasing the dramatic art styles and complex narratives of the time.
About the cover
The cover displays a striking and vibrant illustration by Steve Lightle, depicting various members of the Legion of Super-Heroes set against a tense background, hinting at the intense conspiracy featured within the story. The bold colors and dynamic poses of the characters make this cover a standout piece of comic art.
About the variant
This comic features the Direct Sales variant, identifiable by the absence of a barcode on the cover. The Direct Sales edition was typically sold in comic book specialty shops, making it a significant version for collectors.
Issue Details
- Title: Legion of Super-Heroes, #046
- Issue Number: 046
- Publisher: DC Comics
- Release Date: May 1988
- Estimated Value: $5 - $20
- Cover Artist: Steve Lightle
- Condition: Ungraded, Bagged and boarded, Condition may vary and is likely higher than what we specify. We set all of our comic conditions to "good" to keep things simple.
- Notations: N/A
- Genre: Superhero
- Variant: Direct Sales
- Language: English
- Age Level: All ages
- Format: Single Issue
- Signed: No
- Writer: Paul Lev