"Fantastic Four Roast" is a unique and quirky comic book issue that brings together many beloved Marvel characters for a humorous and entertaining roast of the Fantastic Four. This special edition is a must-have for any Marvel collector, featuring a plethora of characters in a light-hearted and comedic setting.
About the cover
The cover of "Fantastic Four Roast" #1 is a vibrant and chaotic illustration that captures the fun and silliness of the roast. It features a wide array of Marvel superheroes, including members of the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, Thor, Captain America, and more, all gathered to humorously celebrate and poke fun at the Fantastic Four. The artwork is detailed and colorful, making it a visual treat for comic book fans.Issue Details
- Title: Fantastic Four Roast, #1
- Issue Number: 1
- Publisher: Marvel Comics Group
- Release Date: May 1982
- Estimated Value: $10 - $15
- Cover Artist: Fred Hembeck
- Condition: Fine - Minor spine creases and slightly yellowed pages.
- Notations: A special humorous roast featuring various Marvel heroes.
- 1 x Fantastic Four Roast comic book
- 1 x Bag
- 1 x Board
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