In this thrilling issue of "Conan the Barbarian," join the legendary warrior Conan as he embarks on a daring new adventure, part of "The Heku Trilogy." Published by Marvel Comics in May 1988, this issue marks the beginning of an epic saga filled with action, sword-fighting, and sorcery.
About the cover
This striking cover, illustrated by the masterful artist Gary Kwapisz, captures the raw power and intensity of Conan. Set against a bold red background, Conan is depicted in mid-battle, sword in hand, prepared to face any foe that stands in his way.
About the variant
This comic is a Direct Edition, identifiable by the presence of a barcode, making it a collector's item for fans and enthusiasts. Direct Editions were distributed directly to comic book stores, in contrast to Newsstand Editions.
Issue Details
- Title: Conan the Barbarian, #206
- Issue Number: 206
- Publisher: Marvel
- Release Date: May 1988
- Estimated Value: $3 - $10
- Cover Artist: Gary Kwapisz
- Condition: Ungraded, Bagged and boarded, Condition may vary and is likely higher than what we specify. We set all of our comic conditions to "good" to keep things simple.
- Notations: First part of "The Heku Trilogy"
- Genre: Fantasy
- Variant: Direct Edition
- Language: English
- Age Level: Teen and up
- Format: Single Issue
- Signed: No
- Writer: James Owsley
- Universe: Conan the Barbarian
- Tradition: American
- Superhero Team: Not applicable