Issue #51 of The Sandman, written by Neil Gaiman and introduced by Stephen King, continues the beloved saga with a captivating story titled "World's End". This issue is part of the acclaimed "Worlds' End" story arc and features a stunning cover that reflects the surreal and imaginative nature of the series.
About the cover
The cover of The Sandman #51 is an artwork masterpiece that blends abstract visuals and ethereal elements, beautifully capturing the essence of the story. Designed by an ensemble of talented artists including Michael Allred, Gary Amaro, Mark Buckingham, Dick Giordano, Tony Harris, Steve Leialoha, Vince Locke, Shea Anton Pensa, Alec Stevens, Bryan Talbot, John Watkiss, and Michael Zulli, it sets the stage for the mythological and dreamlike journey within.
Issue Details
- Title: The Sandman, #051
- Issue Number: 051
- Publisher: DC Comics
- Release Date: 1993
- Estimated Value: $10.00 - $40.00
- Cover Artist: Michael Allred, Gary Amaro, Mark Buckingham, Dick Giordano, Tony Harris, Steve Leialoha, Vince Locke, Shea Anton Pensa, Alec Stevens, Bryan Talbot, John Watkiss, Michael Zulli
- Condition: Ungraded, Bagged and boarded, depending on age: may have slight yellowing in pages or slight creasing on the edges/spine
- Notations: Introduced by Stephen King
- Genre: Fantasy, Horror
- Language: English
- Age Level: Teen+
- Format: Single Issue
- Signed: No
- Writer: Neil Gaiman
- Universe: Vertigo
- Tradition: Western
- Superhero Team: None
- Character