Prime, one of the flagship titles of the Malibu Comics Ultraverse, showcases the story of a teenage boy who transforms into a superhuman hero. This fifth issue continues the story with dynamic storytelling and incredible artwork by Strazewski, Jones, and Breyfogle.
About the cover
Featuring a compelling and action-packed scene, the cover of Prime #5 is a vivid illustration that captures the intensity of the hero's battles. The artwork, by acclaimed artists Strazewski, Jones, and Breyfogle, is a visual spectacle that draws readers into the Ultraverse.
About the variant
This is the Direct Edition of Ultraverse Prime #5, identifiable by the barcode on the cover. Unlike the Newsstand Edition, the Direct Edition was typically sold in comic book stores and is often considered a collectible variant.
Issue Details
- Title: Ultraverse Prime, #005
- Issue Number: 005
- Publisher: Malibu Comics
- Release Date: 1993
- Estimated Value: $2.00 - $8.00
- Cover Artist: Strazewski, Jones, Breyfogle
- Condition: Ungraded, Bagged and boarded, Condition may vary and is likely higher than what we specify. We set all of our comic conditions to "good" to keep things simple.
- Genre: Superhero
- Variant: Direct Edition
- Language: English
- Age Level: Teen
- Format: Single Issue
- Signed: No
- Writer: Strazewski & Jones
- Universe: Ultraverse
- Tradition: American
- Superhero Team: None
- Character: Prime