Delve into the thrilling adventures of Jemm, Son of Saturn in this captivating issue #006. Released by DC Comics in February 1985, this comic book is part of a limited 12-part maxi-series that has garnered a cult following. Join the creative talents of Greg Potter, Gene Colan, and Bob McLeod as they bring to life the cosmic journeys and battles of Jemm in this Direct Sales edition.
About the cover
The dynamic cover art, crafted by the talented artist, showcases Jemm navigating his spaceship over a detailed cityscape. The vibrant colors and intricate details make this cover a standout piece, hinting at the action-packed narrative within.
About the variant
This issue is a Direct Sales edition, distinguished by its barcode on the cover, catering specifically to comic book stores unlike its newsstand counterparts. This edition, typically well-preserved due to its direct shipment to specialty stores, makes it a sought-after variant for collectors.
Issue Details
- Title: Jemm, Son of Saturn, #006
- Issue Number: 006
- Publisher: DC Comics
- Release Date: February 1985
- Estimated Value: $3.00 - $10.00
- Cover Artist: J. Michael Kaluta
- Condition: Ungraded, Bagged and boarded, Condition may vary and is likely higher than what we specify. We set all of our comic conditions to "good" to keep things simple.
- Genre: Superhero, Cosmic
- Variant: Direct Sales
- Language: English
- Age Level: Teens & Adults
- Format: Single Issue
- Signed: No
- Writer: Greg Potter
- Universe: DC Universe
- Tradition: American
- Superhero Team: N/A