Jemm, Son of Saturn follows the story of the titular character, a superhero from Saturn who gets entangled in the complicated politics and social issues of Earth. This comic series, written by Greg Potter and illustrated by Gene Colan and Klaus Janson, offers a unique blend of science fiction and superhero action.
About the cover
The cover artwork features Jemm in a dynamic scene, showcasing his powers in the midst of a chaotic urban setting. The illustration conveys a sense of motion and urgency, with vibrant colors and intricate details that are characteristic of Gene Colan's and Klaus Janson's artistic styles. The striking design draws readers into the story, setting the tone for the action-packed narrative within.
About the variant
This is the Direct Sales Edition of Jemm, Son of Saturn #001. Identified by the barcode present on the cover, this variant was primarily distributed to comic book specialty shops as opposed to newsstands. Direct Sales Editions are often more desirable to collectors due to their targeted distribution and often better condition, as they were less likely to be handled by casual readers.
Issue Details
- Title: Jemm, Son of Saturn
- Issue Number: 001
- Publisher: DC Comics
- Release Date: 1984
- Estimated Value: $5 - $20
- Cover Artist: Gene Colan, Klaus Janson
- Condition: Ungraded, Bagged and boarded, Condition may vary and is likely higher than what we specify. We set all of our comic conditions to "good" to keep things simple.
- Genre: Superhero, Science Fiction
- Variant: Direct Sales Edition
- Language: English
- Age Level: 12+
- Format: Single Issue
- Signed: No
- Writer: Greg Potter
- Universe: DC Universe